Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced on Saturday that the government aims to eradicate Naxalism from the country by March 2026. Shah made this statement during an inter-state coordination meeting with Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai and the Chief Secretaries and Director Generals of Police from Chhattisgarh and neighboring states. The meeting focused on addressing left-wing extremism in the region and reviewed the measures taken against Naxal insurgency and the progress of infrastructure projects in the Red Corridor areas across nine states.
Shah highlighted the government’s efforts to saturate Naxal-affected areas with central and state schemes and advance infrastructure projects despite numerous challenges. He emphasized that the meeting aimed to address these challenges and finalize strategies to combat left-wing extremism effectively. Shah stated that with a 70% reduction in security personnel and civilian deaths compared to the first decade of the conflict, the government believes it is in the final phase of this battle.
“In the first 10 years, 6,617 security personnel and civilians were killed. Now, deaths have reduced by 70%, and civilian deaths have decreased by 69%. We believe our fight is nearing its end phase. By March 2026, we will have completely freed the country from Naxalism,” Shah declared.
Shah also mentioned the successful efforts to build trust in development as a counter to left-wing extremism. The focus has been on establishing the rule of law and fostering development in the region.
The meeting saw participation from police chiefs and officials from states including Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Telangana, and West Bengal—regions where Naxalism has been contained, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
On August 25, Shah will inaugurate the Raipur Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) office following a review meeting. Shah is currently on a three-day visit to Chhattisgarh, which began on August 23. Earlier in the day, he visited the Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya Ashram in Raipur, accompanied by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai and Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma.
On social media, Shah expressed his gratitude for visiting the birthplace of Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya in Champaran, Chhattisgarh. He noted Vallabhacharya’s contributions to Krishna devotion and the Pushti sect, praising the unique experience and the deep devotion associated with the holy site.
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