Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar issued a stern warning to Maratha social activist Manoj Jarange Patil on Sunday, cautioning against his planned protest in Mumbai starting January 20 to demand Kunbi (OBC) status for Marathas. Pawar asserted that the government would not tolerate any attempts to defy the law. In a taunting remark aimed at his uncle and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar, Ajit suggested that an 84-year-old person should retire from politics.
Speaking at a party program in Kalyan tehsil of Thane district, Ajit Pawar emphasized, “With the recent 10% EWS reservation, the total reservation has reached 62%. Marathas can seek reservation within the remaining quota. Nobody will object to that. However, some individuals are making extreme demands. Referring to reaching Mumbai…we abide by the Constitution given to us by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. If anyone attempts to take the law into their own hands, it will not be tolerated. Nobody is above the law.”
Without explicitly naming his uncle Sharad Pawar, Ajit Pawar remarked, “One should retire after a certain age. This tradition has been followed for years, but some individuals refuse to adhere. They act stubborn. State employees retire at 58, some at 65, others at 70 or 75. Now, you are not stopping even after 84. We are here to work. Inform us if we err. We have the capability.”
Ajit Pawar and Sharad Pawar went their separate ways in 2023 when Ajit Pawar allied with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and claimed the party name and symbol. The case between the two is currently under review by the Election Commission of India (ECI).
Pawar emphasized the need for Maharashtra to contribute to making Narendra Modi India’s Prime Minister for the third time, with three parties joining forces in the state. He praised Modi’s leadership and foresight, attributing India’s enhanced global standing to these qualities.
Pawar underscored the importance of state and central government support in addressing issues and fostering development, stating, “We have joined the government to address people’s problems, for the welfare of Bahujans, not for personal gains.”
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