In a joint operation on Sunday, the Punjab police and the Border Security Force found a drone battery and several heroin packets in a paddy field close to the Tarn Taran border in Punjab. According to a BSF press release, on specific information about the presence of a consignment of illegal goods, BSF and Punjab Police launched a joint search operation on the outskirts of Village Mastgarh, District Tarn Taran, early in the morning.
During the search operation, at about 8:55 am, 3 packets of Heroin (gross weight–approximately 2.916 kg) and a drone battery (5935 mAh) were recovered from a paddy field, the release said.
Earlier on October 20, the Border Security Force (BSF) and Punjab Police, during a joint operation, recovered a drone in broken condition in Marimegha village in Punjab’s Tarn Taran district.
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