
Masterwork of French contemporary dance ‘Pixel’ showcased as part of Alliance Française Tour 2023

Highlighting the “best of France’s contemporary art scene,” the dance masterwork “Pixel” made its mark on the Indian stage for the very first time. “Pixel” is a unique dance and projected image composition that seamlessly combines the realms of visual and physical expression. Created by Mourad Merzouki in association with the French digital production group […]

Highlighting the “best of France’s contemporary art scene,” the dance masterwork “Pixel” made its mark on the Indian stage for the very first time. “Pixel” is a unique dance and projected image composition that seamlessly combines the realms of visual and physical expression. Created by Mourad Merzouki in association with the French digital production group Adrien M & Claire.
A major highlight of the Alliance Française Tour 2023, this enthralling show showcased the best of French artistic expression in the performing arts throughout India, promoting cultural exchanges and building people-to-people ties between the two countries.
The French hip-hop dance group Compagnie Käfig, which Mourad Merzouki formed in 1996, is responsible for producing and performing “Pixel”. Since its global debut in 2014, the production has wowed audiences with its distinctive blend of hip-hop, circus, and modern dance, garnering positive reviews.
Mourad Merzouki, the visionary behind “Pixel,” expresses the tour’s overarching goal, “We showcased the power of dance as a universal dialogue, capable of bringing cultures and generations together through live performance. The India Tour 2023 is a testament to dance’s crucial role in society, providing a unique opportunity to demonstrate its significance on a global stage.”
What sets “Pixel” apart as one of the most important performances in contemporary art is its interdisciplinary nature. The show effortlessly combines video, contemporary dance, hip-hop dance, circus acts, and world music, delivering a universal experience rich in poetry, commitment, and generosity, particularly within the realm of hip-hop.
Beyond the stage performances, the troupe serves a larger purpose: Conducting auditions, masterclasses, and workshops in multiple Indian cities. This outreach initiative is poised to build lasting relationships between French and Indian talents in the arts. Physical meetings and in-depth discussions create a platform for cultural exchange, often leading to new collaborations and opportunities for shared exploration between the two countries.
The Delhi and Mumbai staging — performed to a packed house — was followed by shows in Goa’s Serendipity Arts Festival on December 19.
H.E. Thierry Mathou, Ambassador of France to India, underlines the significance of “Pixel” in strengthening artistic exchanges between France and India, “The dance production serves as a vibrant bond, connecting artistic communities and exemplifying France’s commitment to providing Indian audiences access to the pinnacle of contemporary French art.”
In addition to the performances, the tour extends its reach through auditions and workshops, fostering collaboration between French and Indian professionals in the arts.
Through partnerships with organizations like the Prakriti Foundation, Mourad Merzouki’s upcoming show, “Cartes blanches,” is set to feature Indian talent, further solidifying the enduring connections forged during the Alliance Française Tour 2023. “Cartes blanches”, which will be released in India in 2024.
