
Living in a colorful world with invisible darkness

Being sad is normal as the sadness goes away after some time when something happens which enlighten your mood. But depression is not a normal sadness which most of the people thinks as it is a mood disorder which affects a person mentally, socially and physically lot. It is a real medical condition which affects […]

Being sad is normal as the sadness goes away after some time when something happens which enlighten your mood. But depression is not a normal sadness which most of the people thinks as it is a mood disorder which affects a person mentally, socially and physically lot.

It is a real medical condition which affects badly how you think, work and behave and it is proved that women get twice as depressed as men due to biological, hormonal or maybe social factors.

Women have a lot of reasons which leave them depressed. It could be a past experience, bad relationships and a bundle of responsibilities.

Depression in women can manifest differently than in men, with symptoms like changes in sleep pattern, feeling helpless and worthless. They feel hormonal fluctuations, particularly during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause and it can significantly impact mood regulations, making women more prone to experiencing depression.

Socially, women may encounter various stressors including traditional gender roles as societal pressures and expectations. Tricking multiple roles as caregivers, professionals and homemakers can cause over stress and lead to depressive symptoms and signs.

Additionally, experiences of discrimination, inequality or trauma can also increase the risk of depression in women. However, acknowledging depression can be harder for women due to several reasons.

The complex role of biological, social and cultural factors makes it crucial to create safe spaces. By seeking supportive environment and therapy, one can get rid of depression.
According to Beck’s cognitive model of depression, shows how early experiences can lead to the formation of dysfunctional beliefs, which in turn lead to negative self-views, which in turn lead to depression.

Depression can occur at any age but mostly it occurs from 14 yr-25yr. Teenage girls and adults are more prone to depression because they take stress of literally every little inconvenience and feel way too guilty about their small mistakes.

Teen depression is very frequent nowadays which include a change in attitude and behaviour of teenagers due to stress and problems at schools or home in other’s life. Some of the symptoms of teenage depression can be feeling of sadness, feeling frustrated on minor mishappenings, being angry and mad on getting rejection. Teens can develop feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy over their grades, school performance, and social status with peers or family conflicts.

Kids with teen depression may sleep excessively, have a change in eating habits, and may even exhibit criminal behaviour.
In teenage depression, the first thing to notice is when the teenager stops doing the things she usually likes to do.

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It can affect adults, adolescents, and children. Major life events such as loss of job, conflicts in family or with partner, less earning, debt, low compatibility with partner and more.

Hence, by fostering supportive environment for mental health awareness, we can empower women to seek help without fear of getting judged.
