Actor Manoj Bajpayee recently shared the teaser of his upcoming film ‘Bhaiyya Ji’ with his fans. The teaser, revealed on his Instagram Story, introduces Manoj in a fierce and vengeful role. In the teaser, a group of men attempts to kill someone, but their efforts are thwarted when the person suddenly wakes up, scaring them away.
‘Bhaiyya Ji’ marks Manoj’s 100th film and is produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Kamlesh Bhanushali, Samiksha Oswal, Shael Oswal, Shabana Raza Bajpayee, and Vikram Khakhar. Apoorv Singh Karki has directed the film, with Deepak Kingrani as the writer. The movie promises to deliver intense action, a gripping revenge drama, and heartfelt family bonding.
Expressing his excitement about the project, Manoj stated, “I am thrilled to step into the world of Bhaiyaaji. It will be a raw and intense character that I am excited to bring to life. A thorough mainstream entertainer that Bhaiyaaji is, made me decide to collaborate with Apoorv Singh Karki who directed Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai and became the producer for this one along with the lovely team.”
Director Apoorv Singh Karki, who previously collaborated with Manoj on ‘Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai’, shared his enthusiasm for ‘Bhaiyaaji,’ stating, “With ‘Bhaiyaaji,’ we are embarking on a journey to portray the raw and unfiltered essence of the characters against the backdrop of intense revenge drama and showcase the strength & emotions of family bonds.”
The film is set to release on May 24.
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