Megastar Amitabh Bachchan is back on shooting set. Taking to his blog on Tuesday late night, the ‘Project K’ actor shared a couple of pictures from the set with multiple captions. He shared his photo story with his entrance on the set. “Off to work .. a few limps and slings apart .. but striding on .., is the first caption. The ‘Project K’ actor also shared a picture of makeup being done. In the caption, he wrote, “the face .. the touch-ups.. and the shot …” In another picture, he is seen interacting with the director. Along with the picture, he wrote, “corrections and discussions on the writing .. amicable and on ..” The senior actor concluded with words like “and the routine in its beginnings … on the road to the route … the environ so ignored for the time to reappear and the feel on the faces of reassurance …”
Celebrity photographer Avinash Gowarikar on April 5 took to his official Twitter handle and wrote, “The Boss is back on set. Looking cooler & dapper than ever. Came 20 minutes before time…Finished 30 minutes before time…He’s just…no words.”
Take a look
For those unaware, Big B revealed that he suffered the injury during the shooting of ‘Project K’ in Hyderabad in March. It is a bilingual film shot. In the film, Deepika Padukone and Prabhas are playing pivotal roles. Big B will also be seen in Ribhu Dasgupta’s next courtroom drama film ‘Section 84’.
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