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At the strike of twelve we herald the new year with wishing each other with hugs and warm handshakes followed by calling up children and siblings. Starting the next morning with prayers and meditation is an annual ritual. This year perhaps the prayers were more intense because of the ongoing Russia Ukraine war, Hamas and […]

At the strike of twelve we herald the new year with wishing each other with hugs and warm handshakes followed by calling up children and siblings. Starting the next morning with prayers and meditation is an annual ritual. This year perhaps the prayers were more intense because of the ongoing Russia Ukraine war, Hamas and Israel war, disturbances in the neighbouring Palestine, natural calamities in our own country and around the world, the increasing pollution in the air that our children and grandchildren are breathing. Asking for divine blessings is just natural.
Over a cup of tea I was reading the morning paper full of New Year resolutions by the celebrities and the common people. Many were talking about the broken resolutions.
This set me thinking. Do I also want to make a resolution? Having superannuated after a successful career and a happy and a fruitful life, now in my mid sixties, I understand my life in the context of time. This universe is millions of years old and millions of years yet to come. My life could be seventy, eighty…… ninety years. My span of life is insignificant. When this awareness comes one stops worrying about little things. But again my mind comes back to the resolution….. ? I don’t dream big now. I just am satisfied and happy with what I have, with what I am doing. No short term or long term goals. Loosing a bit of weight is also no more a priority. Though I know its not important for me to have a resolution at the beginning of every new year but still I cannot stop my mind from thinking. What if I have to decide upon a resolution, asks my mind…..
With these thoughts I sat for my daily meditation. They say more we practice meditation, the better it calms our entire nervous system and our body. These are the moments of stillness, moments of pause. I remember a quote by Rachel Marie Martin, “ there is power in space, in a breath, in a pause. Before you respond. You get to choose hate or love, anger or empathy, frustration or opportunity, lonely or together, irritation or understanding, be kind, pause “. Nature of mind is very fluid. It goes either to the past or to the future. All the anger and restlessness is about something, which has already happened in the past or we want something in the future. A few quiet moments are sources of rest, sources of creativity, sources of happiness. And in these moments of pause I found my resolution.
I realised that the real purpose of our lives is to evolve into better human beings, a better version of ourselves and this is a continuous, ongoing process. A lifetime journey of learning and evolving.We come in this world to give our best in whatever we do. We are here to share and spread the light of wisdom, to spread love, to spread positivity, to be ethical and to be in harmony with nature. Growth means being more tolerant, more patient, more benevolent, more humble and modest. We must become high vibration individuals and celebrate life. We are here to learn. Learn that pleasures, money, possessions, knowledge and work all have only a limited value. Our primary task is to develop character, fair play, unselfishness, honesty and treating others with respect. We can easily craft ourselves into better versions. We don’t just have to be who we are and what we are but evolve each day. So here’s my resolution, not only for this year but for all the years to come. With every passing day of my life I have to become a better version of myself, a better human being.
No place for the arrogant ego that wants what it wants and causes all our problems. Being humble and willing to change and lead a progressive spiritual life, evolve is going to be the motto.

