
Kyna Khare Girl Sets Record: World's Youngest Female Master Scuba Diver

Kyna Khare, a 12-year-old girl from Bengaluru, has made headlines by becoming the world’s youngest female master scuba diver. Starting her diving journey at the tender age of 10 in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kyna has swiftly progressed to achieve this prestigious milestone. In an interview with news agency ANI, Kyna shared her excitement […]

Kyna Khare Girl Sets Record: World's Youngest Female Master Scuba Diver
Kyna Khare Girl Sets Record: World's Youngest Female Master Scuba Diver

Kyna Khare, a 12-year-old girl from Bengaluru, has made headlines by becoming the world’s youngest female master scuba diver. Starting her diving journey at the tender age of 10 in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kyna has swiftly progressed to achieve this prestigious milestone.

In an interview with news agency ANI, Kyna shared her excitement about her journey into scuba diving, recounting her first dive experience in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as “fun” and “tandem.” She further elaborated on her training journey that took her to Bali and Thailand, where she completed advanced courses and earned her master diver certification back in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Kyna’s accomplishments in scuba diving include advanced open water certification, underwater photography, Nitrox diving, rescue diver training, and various specialty courses. Describing water as her “second home,” she emphasized the thrill and tranquility of underwater experiences, highlighting her fascination with sea turtles as her personal favorites.

The young diver credited her parents, particularly her mother Anshuma, who affectionately referred to Kyna as a “water baby.” Anshuma recounted Kyna’s determination and the family’s initial apprehensions about her diving pursuits, eventually supporting her passion wholeheartedly.

Reflecting on her scariest moment during a rescue dive in challenging weather conditions, Kyna Khare acknowledged the risks involved in underwater activities but affirmed her commitment to safety protocols and her love for exploring unique marine environments.

Looking ahead, Kyna Khare aspires to deepen her knowledge of marine science, aiming to further explore and understand the underwater world that has captivated her from a young age.


BengaluruKyna KhareScuba DiverTDGThe Daily GuardianViral NewsWorld’s Youngest Scuba DiverYoungest Scuba Diver