

The 17th C poet Sarvajna of Karnataka has eulogized in his compositions in triplets called: Vashanos, Kannada Culture & Love for Freedom. He was called the “Pole Star” of Karnataka culture. He stated that freedom is a must to one and all & that they need not have any sort of bondage. He firmly believed […]

The 17th C poet Sarvajna of Karnataka has eulogized in his compositions in triplets called: Vashanos, Kannada Culture & Love for Freedom. He was called the “Pole Star” of Karnataka culture. He stated that freedom is a must to one and all & that they need not have any sort of bondage.
He firmly believed in sacrifice for the sake of one’s country. Karnataka has been known as land of brave men and many decisive battles have been waged by both brave men and women against the British, Hyder Ali, Tipu Sultan etc. Our history books do not talk much about Kittur Chennamma or Sangoli Rayanna, they were amongst the greatest warriors of all times. Chenamma was the queen and Rayanna was the army chief of Kittur. Kittur Chennamma was the queen of Kittur a princely state in Karnataka.
She was one of the earliest female rulers to lead an armed rebellion against the British East India Company in 1824.Chennamma was born in Kakati, a village in Belagavi district of Karnataka. She became queen and married Raja Mallasarja of Desai family at the age of 15 and had one son. After her son’s death in 1824 she adopted Shivalingappa and made him heir of the throne.
The British East India Company did not accept this and ordered Shivalingappa’s expulsion but Chennamma defied them.
Rani Chennamma sent a letter to Mountstuart Elphinstone the Lt. Governor of Bombay pleading the case of Kittor but her request was turned down and war broke out. The British tried to confiscate the treasure and jewels of Kittur valued at 1.5 million rupees. In the 1st round of war in Oct 1824 the British forces lost heavily & St. John Thackeray the collector and political agent was killed.
Two other British officers Sir Walter Elliot & Mr. Stevenson were taken as hostages.
During the 2nd assault, subcollector of Solapur Mr. Munro was killed. Rani Chennamma fought fiercely and with the aid of her lieutants Angli Rayanna but was captured at Bailjongal fort where she died in 1829.
Her war was continued by her army chief Sangolli Rayanna.
