
Google I/O 2024 Events Key Highlights: From Gemini AI to Android 15 News

Google held its I/O 2024 conference today at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California, with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet, delivering the keynote address. The conference primarily centered around Gemini AI. At the outset of the event, the CEO showcased the abilities of Gemini AI across different Google products. Subsequently, Pichai unveiled several new […]

Google I/O 2024
Google I/O 2024

Google held its I/O 2024 conference today at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California, with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet, delivering the keynote address. The conference primarily centered around Gemini AI. At the outset of the event, the CEO showcased the abilities of Gemini AI across different Google products. Subsequently, Pichai unveiled several new Gemini AI-powered features, including Search Overview and Ask Photos, which are now being integrated into Google Search and Google Photos, respectively.

New Gemini features

The CEO revealed that the company is launching the enhanced Gemini 1.5 Pro today at Workspace Labs and will be expanding the Gemini Advanced to 2 million tokens later this year. Additionally, the tech giant introduced the new Gemini 1.5 Flash, a lighter-weight model tailored for low-latency tasks. Moreover, they unveiled Project Astra, an AI agent capable of contextual understanding and prompt action-taking. It is engineered for quicker information processing and responses. During the event, a video was presented demonstrating Gemini’s ability to answer questions by analyzing real-time images.

Generative media

Google also highlighted the capabilities of Gemini AI in media and exhibited instances of generative AI-generated photos, music, and video. They illustrated how users can generate media by inputting prompts. Certain features will be accessible to selected creators, and the waiting list is now open in Google Labs.

Google Search

Expanding on the AI overview in Google Search, the company’s representative presented several examples illustrating its benefits for users. The feature is being rolled out in the US today and will soon be accessible in more countries. Additionally, Google has introduced a new video search feature to its search engine, enabling users to pose questions to Google Search via video.


Later in the event, Pichai introduced Trillium, which is a sixth-generation TPU. It delivers a 4.7 times performance enhancement and will be made available to cloud customers in late 2024.

Gemini in Google apps

Google has revealed that the Gemini AI side panel will be widely accessible to users starting next month. Furthermore, three new features have been added to Gmail. The initial feature will provide email summaries, while the other features enable comparison of different emails for information based on the prompt. Additionally, Google demonstrated how Gemini AI can amalgamate data from various Google products.

Chips AI

Google has launched Chips AI, a teammate proficient in reading and responding to messages in chats based on user prompts.

Google Live

Google Live will enable users to engage in conversations with Gemini AI. This feature is set to be introduced later this year.

AI in Android

Google is incorporating AI-powered search directly into smartphones. The company is also establishing Gemini AI as the default assistant and enhancing “Circle to Search” with new functionalities. Gemini is evolving to become “context aware,” enabling it to perceive users’ activities on their phones and anticipate their requirements. Moreover, Google is introducing Gemini AI Nano features in Talkback to enhance accessibility.


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