Rajya Sabha MP Kartikeya Sharma, during a gathering in Beri’s Swaraj Ganj organized by Bapandit Mauji Ram and 36 community representatives, has pledged to focus on serving society and safeguarding the rights of its people.
Sharma used the platform to emphasize the inherent value of politics in serving the masses. He pointed out the success of the Direct Benefit Transfer system in offering direct monetary benefits to those in need, while also combatting corruption. The senator also committed to furthering development in Beri, including the important goal of securing rail connectivity.
The transformative roles of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Manohar Lal were lauded by Sharma, with him commending the growth of India’s international reputation and Haryana’s progress under their leadership.
Paying homage to his father, ex-Minister Vinod Sharma, and his ties to Beri, Sharma called on the gathering, particularly the younger attendees, to make education a priority for the betterment of their community and society at large. He underscored the increased opportunities for transparent government jobs and development initiatives across the state.
In another function organised in Kurrushektra which has several leading persons including the Governor of Haryana and Gyananand Maharaj Kartikeya Sharma stressed importance of Gita and its teachings for everyone . He also spoke about his the ITV Network was working towards dissemination of Gita for a larger audience especially the youth.
Sharma further pledged to focus his political efforts on championing the causes of marginalized and underprivileged individuals. The event concluded at Brahman Dharmashala, where Sharma was warmly received by the audience, which included Chairman Rajendra Sharma and other notable figures.