
Innovative platforms fueling teenage entrepreneurship: Unveiling New Work ethos

India is a country of energetic, enthusiastic, and innovative young people. When the qualities of these youngsters are harnessed appropriately, it tends to have a positive impact on the community and the nation as a whole. Youths are active participants in several activities, so why should entrepreneurship remain an exclusion? India’s business landscape offers several […]

India is a country of energetic, enthusiastic, and innovative young people. When the qualities of these youngsters are harnessed appropriately, it tends to have a positive impact on the community and the nation as a whole. Youths are active participants in several activities, so why should entrepreneurship remain an exclusion?
India’s business landscape offers several opportunities for young entrepreneurs to flourish. Today, budding teenpreneurs have access to the right technology, support, and resources that ensure there are numerous opportunities to seize. In this context, the emergence of innovative platforms is turning out to be a game changer, as they are getting myriad opportunities to showcase their immense potential.

Innovative platforms and teen entrepreneurship
If we look at some of the great leaders in the world, such as Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, and more, they all started building their businesses at tender ages.A massive population of enthusiastic youth in India is also driven by the idea of financial freedom. These future leaders view entrepreneurship as a means of achieving this goal and attaining a sense of accomplishment. And in a bid to support these young aficionados in their journey, innovative platforms are providing a myriad of opportunities.

Enables Earning the first income
Thanks to technological advancements, an individual does not need to own an office, complicated hardware, or extensive funding to start earning their first income as an entrepreneur. These new age platforms provide teenagers with an opportunity to earn by becoming teenlancers. It provides an environment where these skilled individuals can connect with real companies and showcase their talent on different projects. This in turn helps them to start their entrepreneurial journey and earn their first income at such a young age. These platforms are eventually helping these teenagers take the first step to becoming financially independent.

Turns passion into a profession
Many teens are usually quite comfortable pursuing a passion as a hobby or leisure activity. However, a myriad of these teens lack guidance or inspiration to turn this passion into a profession. This is where innovative platforms enable an opportunity for them. These young enthusiasts are not only able to do something that they love but also attain monetary accomplishments for it. The platform has numerous project categories, such as video creation, social media marketing, mobile application development, content writing, graphic design, and more. Based on their passion and interest, the teens can register on the platform and work on the live project in multiple categories with established organisations.

Facilitates experiential learning
Having new experiences has become important for teenagers to foster creativity among them. Keeping consistency in learning has a crucial role to play in an individual’s holistic growth. Moreover, practical applications of the learned concepts must also be encouraged for further development. In this context, experiential learning offers a comprehensive approach where the youngsters learn by experience. The innovative platforms are built on the idea of experiential learning or learning by doing. Therefore, the teenagers gain the opportunities for teenagers to have hands-on experience on real-life projects with prestigious organisations.Apart from that, they also earn an experience certificate, which helps them to enhance their profile, which in turn provides them more opportunities.

Way Forward
In a bid to take the first step of the financial journey, individuals need to start early as starting at a tender age helps young minds to build a robust foundation. They also get sufficient time to learn the necessary skills required to thrive in the real world. Here, the innovative platforms and their unique solutions can aid teenpreneurs in taking the first step on their entrepreneurial journey. The offerings of these platforms further allow teenagers to earn their first income by turning their passion into a profession while providing the provision of experiential learning. As India is emerging as a startup hub, these modern-day platforms will have a vital role to play. They will be paramount in not only providing entrepreneurial opportunities to teens but also contributing to the overall economic growth of the country.

The author is the Founder and CEO of Funngro.
