
Inefficient trommel machines leading to poor garbage management in Bishanpura

There is a mountain of legacy waste in the Bishanpura dumping ground, and to deal with this problem, the city council is preparing to give a contract worth crores to a company. However, in the dumping ground, two trommel machines purchased by the city council at a cost of lakhs for garbage disposal are rusting. […]

There is a mountain of legacy waste in the Bishanpura dumping ground, and to deal with this problem, the city council is preparing to give a contract worth crores to a company. However, in the dumping ground, two trommel machines purchased by the city council at a cost of lakhs for garbage disposal are rusting.

The surprising thing is that the trommel machine did not run even for a day after the trial, and the new machine is standing rusted. Two trommel machines were purchased by the Municipal Council in August 2023. At that time, officials claimed that with the installation of two machines, waste disposal would be done at double the speed. It was claimed to separate wet waste, including plastic, from the garbage through the machine.

However, the machine did not run even for a day in the last 5 months. Promises were made several times to commission the new trommel machine, but no attention was paid to it. As a result, the parts of the machine have rusted, and the garbage is also increasing in the dumping ground. To meet the demand, garbage disposal is being done through a small trommel machine with a capacity of 5 tonnes per day, whereas two machines with a capacity of 50 tonnes per day are breaking down. The Municipal Council officials are claiming that the machine is running, but looking at the condition of the machine, it does not seem so. The gear of the machine is completely jammed, and the rollers are also broken.

These machines were purchased for the purpose of disposing of garbage in the Bishanpura dumping ground. However, this machine did not work for about 6 months. Garbage has been coming here for the last several years, but it has not been disposed of properly. Due to a lack of disposal of garbage in the dumping ground spread over 4 acres, 5 to 10 feet mountains of legacy waste have formed here. Apart from this, garbage collection is also not possible from other city wards. In the MC House meeting, the agenda to work on cleanliness is kept first. In the last 15 years, the Municipal Council has not been able to make any arrangements for processing garbage in the city so that more than 50 to 60 tons of garbage generated every day can be disposed of. There are heaps of garbage on the roadsides and empty plots of the city. Every day, 42 to 45 tonnes of garbage is generated from the city, most of which is single-use plastic.

More than 42 to 45 tonnes of garbage is generated every day in the city. It also includes single-use plastic and thermocol, etc., in large quantities. Single-use plastic is banned everywhere in the Tricity, but in Zirakpur, it is shown banned only on paper. To improve the cleanliness system, it is very important to ban single-use plastic. Single-use plastic is being used on a large scale. Single-use plastic and disposable plates are used in all kinds of events in street vendors, shops, and marriage palaces.

City Council officials claim that they have issued challans to many shopkeepers for this. But the truth is that if the authorities had launched such a campaign, single-use plastic could have been banned. Contrary to the claims of the officials, no action is being taken against those using and selling single-use plastic in the city. This is the reason why single-use plastic waste is continuously increasing in the city.

