The Delhi Special Vigilance Department wrote to the health secretary on Sunday, expressing concern about the supply of “not of standard quality” drugs in Delhi government hospitals. The department urged the health secretary to clarify the amount of payment made to companies and manufacturers.
The letter stated, “You are requested to ensure that all such drugs that have failed the prescribed norms should be immediately qualified and seized as per the due process of law on a war footing.”
The letter outlined specific actions to be taken, including:
Preventing Further Payments: Ensuring that no further payment is made to companies supplying drugs that do not meet the prescribed standards.
Removing Failed Drugs: Identifying and removing all failed drugs from the stock of hospitals where they have been supplied, to prevent the administration of substandard drugs to the public.
Clarification on Procurement: Seeking clarification on the procurement process, including when these drugs were procured and supplied. The letter also requested information on payments made to companies and manufacturers, the pending payments, and the acquisition of documents related to drug procurement. It concluded by urging the health secretary to submit an action taken report within the next 48 hours. The letter emphasized the importance of promptly addressing the issue to safeguard public health.