The Tamil Nadu Board announced the results of the class 10 examinations for the academic session 2023-2024. A total of 8,94,264 students took the exams, with approximately 8,18,743 students passing, resulting in a pass rate of 91.55 percent, slightly higher than last year’s 91.31 percent. Among the 12,625 schools involved, 4,105 schools achieved a perfect pass rate, with 1,365 of them being government-run institutions.
The class 10 exams were taken by an outstanding 13,510 physically challenged children, who passed with a pass percentage of 92.45 percent (12,419 of them). Furthermore, 228 out of the 260 juvenile offenders who took the exam passed, making the pass percentage 87.69 percent. Remarkably, 20,691 pupils achieved a flawless score of 100 in maths.
The chief minister of Tamil Nadu, MK Stalin, congratulated all of the winners and urged them to set a strong foundation for their future aspirations by taking advantage of government programmes and a range of educational opportunities, including vocational training.
Actor and TVK Chief Vijay also commended the students who passed their class 10 and 12 Board exams, hinting at a forthcoming meeting with them, reminiscent of last year’s gesture where he met the top-ranking students from various constituencies and awarded them cash prizes.
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