The weather department has issued a ‘red alert’ for both districts situated along the west coast. Meanwhile, in Kolhapur district, an alert was raised when the Panchganga River’s level approached just 8 inches below the critical mark on Wednesday. Specifically, at the Rajaram weir, the river’s depth reached 42.2 feet, perilously close to the danger mark of 43 feet.
In Pune district, authorities have commenced releasing water from the Khadakwasla dam at a rate of 9,400 cubic feet per second due to heavy rainfall in the surrounding catchment areas. Consequently, the district administration has urged residents in low-lying areas to maintain heightened vigilance.
Additionally, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for the ‘ghat’ sections in Pune district. An orange alert signifies a precautionary advisory to authorities, indicating the potential for severe weather conditions.
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