MP Kartikeya Sharma launched the ‘International Haryana Heroes’ during the Bharat Utsav celebration in Dubai. Attended by prominent members of the Indian international community, the event served as a platform to honor the remarkable achievements of individuals hailing from the state of Haryana.
A native of Haryana himself, Kartikeya Sharma expressed immense pride as he introduced the ‘International Haryana Heroes’ to the audience. “This is a huge opportunity to celebrate Haryana and its heroes and I feel proud since I belong to Haryana,” Sharma remarked. He further highlighted the indomitable spirit and exceptional contributions of Haryana, both in the realm of sports and across various other fields on the national and international stage.
Praising the transformative impact of digitization and the visionary policies championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Sharma underscored the remarkable strides that Haryana has made.
He attributed this progress to a potent combination of technological advancements and effective governance, directly translating into tangible improvements in the lives of its citizens.