Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi today, accompanied by Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda. The Chief Minister sought urgent action on the release of drought relief for the state, emphasizing the severe drought conditions faced by a significant portion of Karnataka.
Following the meeting, CM Siddaramaiah addressed a letter to PM Modi expressing gratitude for the time and urgency in discussing the pressing matter. He highlighted the extensive impact of drought, with 223 out of 236 taluks declared drought-affected and 196 among them facing severe drought conditions.
In the letter, the Chief Minister underscored farmers’ distress, revealing that approximately 48.19 lakh hectares of agriculture and horticulture crops had suffered losses ranging from 33 to 100 percent. The majority of the affected areas reported losses exceeding 80 percent, significantly impacting small and marginal farmers who cultivate 83 percent of the land.
Karnataka has estimated crop damages and sought an input subsidy of Rs 4663.12 crores from the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF). Siddaramaiah urged a positive response to address the plight of farmers promptly.
Expressing concern over the prolonged delay since the submission of the first memorandum and field visits by the Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT), the Chief Minister stressed the urgency of providing input subsidies to alleviate farmers’ hardship and suffering. The State Government has requested drought relief of Rs 18,171.44 crores from the NDRF.
In conclusion, CM Siddaramaiah urged Prime Minister Modi to direct the High-Level Committee under the Home Minister to consider the number of and area under Small and Marginal Farmers (SMF) holdings, emphasizing the critical need for relief to support the distressed farmers in Karnataka.
The Chief Minister later shared his post-meeting statement, emphasizing the urgency of providing input subsidies to farmers facing crop failure and requesting swift relief to address the challenges posed by the drought.
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