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In today’s competitive world, it has become a big challenge to survive as a brand in the market. Almost every week, new companies are emerging and struggling to establish and sustain themselves in the market, which increases the challenge for the competing firms to retain their position in the market. To retain their position, they […]

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In today’s competitive world, it has become a big challenge to survive as a brand in the market. Almost every week, new companies are emerging and struggling to establish and sustain themselves in the market, which increases the challenge for the competing firms to retain their position in the market. To retain their position, they work harder on increasing their output in lesser time than their competitors, which means that either the employees’ work time increases or the amount of work allotted per unit time increases, and at such times, the situation becomes stressful and the work productivity does not match the needs if the employees are not in a good state, mentally, emotionally, and/or physically. The question is—how can we then focus on both, the productivity as well as the well-being of the employees simultaneously, during such situations or otherwise, in general?

It is a generally known fact that overworking even with proper monetary compensation is definitely not something that the employees would like to do in the long term, even if it happens rarely. This is because monetary compensation can never match the stress and pressure levels that an employee faces when he/she has to meet tight deadlines to sustain his/her position in the company. So what can be done to compensate the remaining aspects, which will not only satisfy the employees but also boost the company’s productivity? Read ahead to find out!


According to ADP India’s 2020 study, employment in the Asia Pacific area causes Indian professionals the greatest stress when compared to other regions. Moreover, WHO statistical research indicates that workplace apprehension or uncertainty is one of the major reasons for reduced employee productivity, which costs the global economy approximately $1 trillion each year. As a result, apprehension, anxiety, and stress have become considerably more prevalent among employees.

Employees’ emotional wellbeing is affected by rising levels of chronic stress. In the longer term, this has been shown to have detrimental consequences in terms of both mental and physical health. Consistent exposure to numerous stress elements makes a person sick, as well as scars the body with grave repercussions if not addressed on time. This necessitates corporations focusing on each employee’s complete well-being, i.e., physical, mental, and emotional well-being, by organising sessions that will assist in reducing stress levels among the employees.

“Being proactive in thinking about your employee wellbeing delivers excellent value to the business. Since my initial days, I have promised myself that I will be measuring my success as a founder based on the wellbeing of my employees. With the holistic guidance of Sidhharrth is delivering good value to me and my organisation”, says Sahil Kothari, Founder, Sahil Kothari Training & Consultancy.


Now that the issue is addressed, let’s concentrate on absorbing those strategies that have been confirmed to provide reliable results and that have already been accepted and implemented by several businesses to create a productive and efficient work environment.

1.      Maintaining the emotional and physical health of your employees: To keep promoting the importance of overall well-being, companies must take on the responsibility of holding interactive sessions in which everyone from the company engages in a discussion with experts from the particular niche they need help from and communicate as well as engage with them by discussing their significant problems and take corrective action. The abovementioned sessions must be conducted in such a manner that they encourage an overall healthy lifestyle by assisting the employees with life-changing practices. Any of the following activities, for example, may be used as a workshop and monitored on by employees to combat anxiety and stress concerns:

Healing via Symbols/Numbers – Symbols, numbers, and their sequences have long been known to contain vast amounts of qualitative, value-added data, akin to high concentration “packets of energy” through which a living organism gets a specific frequency from the cosmos. This knowledge is also the cosmos’ way of designing and arranging matter. These information fields, when correctly applied, can often produce vibrations that are beneficial to both the mind and the body.

Yoga – Yoga has always shown relevance over time by maintaining an individual’s physical and mental health through its attributes of offering flexibility and agility to the body. As is evident, the desk job environment has shackled everyone to their desks. In this case, yoga will undoubtedly assist those people in overcoming their lethargy and regaining active bodily functionality.

Sound Therapy & Binaural Beats – Ragas, or musical note patterns, have been shown to have a calming effect on the listener’s mind, as well as therapeutic benefits for a variety of mental ailments. Sound therapy, either alone or in combination with guided imagery, has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of depression in research findings. According to a paper published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry by S.L. Saniyarapu, the right kind of music has the potential to bring out the best in everyone, allowing them to achieve their unrivalled potential. Hence, acquiring the effective form of sound therapy at work will undoubtedly aid in the unleashing of one’s latent abilities and tranquillity.

Employees will definitely benefit from such activities since they will become acclimated to a way of living that will encourage improved productivity in the long term.

To make this a winning scenario for both employees and businesses, the organisation may implement rules that compensate individuals who lead a healthy lifestyle with rewards, which would inspire others to do the same.

Personalised Meditation – Meditation’s influence on an individual’s holistic growth has been scientifically proven. Meditation has been shown to relieve anxiety and discomfort, as well as chronic stress and depression where it functions analogous to an antidepressant. Furthermore, meditation aids in the management of the human body’s seven energy points, often known as the “7 Chakras.” For strengthening the body, mind, and soul, regulating these chakras will help an individual lead a happier and peaceful life.

2.      Fostering effective communication channels amongst employees and supervisors:

Sometimes, due to a lack of approachability, employees tend to keep their doubts to themselves instead of getting them solved. Keeping such times in mind, the organisation can give a set of alternatives to the employees to get their queries resolved—either by connecting with other supervisors in a similar position or by dropping a query through an anonymous platform through which the identity of the employee is undisclosed. Finding such ways for effective communication will slowly help those employees start approaching others when they need help and release the awkwardness in asking queries face-to-face.

3.      Building a pleasant working atmosphere:

For the firm to run smoothly, it is crucial to create a good work atmosphere at the workplace. Following the suggestions listed below will likely be extremely beneficial in the short and long term in creating a more inclusive workplace:

· Specific days may be set aside for the complete team to virtually meet and discuss just about everything, from workloads to plans for the next weekends, from performance enhancement suggestions to movies, music, and so on. This will enable them to unwind and rest after a hard day at work, relaxing them and improving their productivity in the days to come.

· Employees can be involved in activities such as fine arts, dancing, or musical workshops held by the corporation on weekends, which will not only help them relax but also improve their self-esteem.

· In any company, a particular employee may be able to produce the necessary output in a different method. Instead of emphasising on procedures, the employer should contemplate the output at such instances. This unique approach should be praised and evaluated to see whether it may help increase and improve output.

The key to a better functioning corporation is the adoption of three essential principles: faith, communication, and strong workplace culture. Following these three integral tenets, corporations can help in the development of wonderful teams that collaborate to create the best results for a company.

Sidhharrth S Kumaar is the founder of NumroVani, and an Astro Numerologist, Spiritual Business & Personalised Wellness Coach. He advises companies and leadership teams in delivering sustainable business growth by leveraging the power of both occult sciences and contemporary intelligence.
