The BSF seized 64.33 kg heroin from river Ravi on Sunday along the India-Pakistan border in the Gurdaspur area. According to an official release, 60 packets of contraband (weight approximately 64.33 kg) suspected to be heroin were seized by Border Security Force (BSF) troops from the area of responsibility of 10 BNBSF under Gurdaspur Sector.
On Sunday during wee hours, vigilant BSF troops deployed along the bank observed some suspicious item floating (a bunch of water Hyacinth) in river from Pakistan to India side. Troops immediately informed the boat party to check the suspected item. Later, when it was searched, troops recovered and seized 60 packets of contraband (approx 64.330 kg) tied in four cloth tubes and stashed underneath bunch of water Hyacinth (Jalkumbhi) in a way to float the consignment with the flow of water towards the Indian side. About 1,500m Nylon rope was also found attached with water Hyacinth to control the floating consignments in river.
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