In a widely circulated video, BJP leader RP Singh staged a distinctive protest against former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, showcasing a gold-plated toilet seat as a symbol of alleged extravagance. Singh accused Kejriwal of installing 12 luxury gold-plated toilets worth ₹1.44 crore at his official residence while neglecting the plight of Delhi’s residents.
During a press conference, Singh criticised the AAP government’s approach to governance and alleged misuse of public funds. He remarked, “This is a gold-plated toilet. The chief minister had installed 12 such toilets in his house. These toilets, worth ₹1.44 crore, were installed in the ‘Sheeshmahal.’ This is the state of affairs in Delhi, where those in power are wasting public funds on luxury while the people suffer.”
#WATCH Delhi: BJP leader RP Singh said, “This is a gold-plated toilet. The Chief Minister had installed 12 such toilets in his house. Toilets worth Rs 1.44 crore were installed in the ‘Sheeshmahal’ worth Rs 56 crores. We are telling people that they take your votes by giving you…
— ANI (@ANI) December 31, 2024
Singh also condemned the AAP’s alleged “revdi” culture of freebie promises, suggesting that public resources were being mismanaged for personal luxury. He further pledged a different approach if his party came to power. “When our government comes to power, we will build good-quality toilets and bathrooms for the people of Delhi,” he assured.
The protest and allegations have sparked debates about governance priorities and the alleged misallocation of public funds by the ruling party.