A 31-year-old self-proclaimed startup entrepreneur, known as Arun and residing in Bengaluru’s Talaghattapura, got into legal trouble due to an unconventional marketing tactic that led to his arrest. Arun placed QR code stickers in Metro station washrooms across the city, resulting in his apprehension by Metro housekeeping staff at Deepanjali Nagar station on April 23.
According to Chandrashekharaiah, the assistant security officer at the station, Arun was caught placing stickers in the washroom around 2:45 PM. Arun’s defense was that the QR code linked to advertisements for his chocolate products. However, Metro authorities stressed the need for prior authorization for any advertising within their premises.
As a consequence, Arun faces legal action under various acts, including the Prevention of Destruction and Loss of Property Act, the Karnataka Open Places (Prevention of Disfigurement) Act, and IPC section 427 for mischief causing damage. He was arrested and released on station bail, with further questioning pending post-elections.
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