Human mind has always been mesmerised with a question—whether the God exists? Is there any relationship between the existence and being? The existence and the being is one of the most abysmal relationships. The being cannot exist without the existence because that which is the whole of the being exists in part beings. And the […]

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Human mind has always been mesmerised with a question—whether the God exists? Is there any relationship between the existence and being? The existence and the being is one of the most abysmal relationships. The being cannot exist without the existence because that which is the whole of the being exists in part beings. And the whole that is the existence cannot exist without it being in the parts of the beings because being is part of the whole that it is the whole of That-Which-Is. Because being is a part being of that whole being who is the Supreme Being which we know as existence and which we know as That-Which-Is. That-Which-Is as you is manifested as you in you.

A beautiful story which says that God was alone. He felt lonely and he wanted to become more. Although Gods have that competence and ability to make copies of themselves. But humans do make copies when they breed. God became two and so on. Humans imagine God to be comprised of human ability and the supreme capabilities that humans call supreme. Human God is far different than the God of existence. If we look at ourselves what we are. We are small part of the existence and in our being existence manifests. Without existence there in the being, your being simply un-exists. Your being fails to exist. Cannot exist. There is no gap between you and existence. In your existence, existence exists and is existing in you right now. There is no gap.

Gap exists in your thinking. There is no need for you to find God. Human God exists in the gaps in your thinking. When you think God exists for you in thinking. But it does not exist as your God-the God that you have imagined to be the God that you have built into your beliefs to be the one who you don’t wish to antagonize. Moment the gap between the two—existence and you—that is the mind that disappears you allow the existence to exist in you and your being gives up the desire to be one with existence but your being comes to know that you already exist in existence which is the one and only one that exists and you don’t. It’s existence that exists as existence alone.

Man wants to do something. So finding God becomes his favourite pastime. All religions have become pastimes. But man takes religion a very serious affair. So seriously that you cannot laugh in temples. So seriously that you can murder anyone in the name of religion. So seriously that you can go to war to save religion. So seriously that you begin thinking that you have to save the religion. Not that religion was invented to save you. Not that God was invented to save you. But you become too serious to save the God and religion and you forget that religion was to save you to make you religious, peaceful, loving and playful. Such religious persons fight thousands of wars on earth and kill millions of people in the name of religion, God, love and peace. But that is not being religious.

That you call God who is That-Which-Is exists as existence in you. And that which you imagine that God according to you is not the God but an illusion of a power who you wish to worship because you cannot worship a simple God which exists so simply as existence. Because of this illusion you make the real God who exists in you the unreal. God existed in you from the beginning. God exists in you as your own existence. Your existence is your God. Not someone somewhere who is willing to make you fearful and who is willing to be angry if you fail to perform rituals set by protocols.

Life simply exists. Existence exists simply. Existence is simple. Trees are born from seeds, water, air, sun is available to the seed to be the tree. Seed exists as a small tree of existence and grows to be the tree of existence. You also exist as a seed of existence to be the tree of existence. And you can also grow. Only the one who is playful who is dancing who is ecstatic is the one who is full of existence. Only the one who is singing and rejoicing in the playfulness of existence is the one who is alive. Or you can live on the periphery or you can live in the centre choice is yours. Existence exists in you in the fullness of your being. When we invent gaps and there exist gaps in our being and existence, we make of us beggars full of miseries. Life becomes a living hell for us. We need desires to ride on. We need the God to bail you out. We need some superpower we worship to go out of the misery. But no superpower is going to take you out of the misery. No God is going to take you out of your poverty. You are born king. Your kingdom is there in your being. Be in the being-ness of your being and you will be seated on that seat where existence exists in you, right in the centre of your being.

You can be rich but you wish to be poor. You can be powerful but you wish to be powerless. You can be the king of jungle Lion. But you wish to worship Tiger God. God is not a tiger who is going to audit your life’s accounts. God is not a head master who is there to hold you responsible for mistakes. God is there the one who is there trying to exists in you and in every moment God exists in you and therefore you exist in every moment. God exists in you as you.God is godliness. God is goodness. God is simply God and is not as complicated as our priests have presented.

You can be one with the God. Simply being you exist in godliness. Just relax. The one who is watching the entire world happen around who is the one who is unlike things around you. You are not the eyes by which you watch the world. You are not the ears by which you hear. You are not the nostrils by which you smells. You are not the senses by which you sense the world around. You are the one who is you and He is the only one who is existing in you and he has no name and who is your true self that is you. You don’t have to go search for him to know him. You have to be him to know him. That’s also the meaning of Ahambrasmi.

Author is a spiritual teacher.
