
HC orders police: Assist imam to conduct hassle-free Shab-e-Barat

The Delhi High Court has issued a directive to the Delhi Police, instructing them to extend assistance to the imam of Masjid Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah, ensuring the smooth conduct of the Shab-e-Barat festival. Justice Mini Pushkarna specifically ordered the police to prevent any manhandling or obstruction of the imam, Mohammad Arshad Ahmad, […]

Delhi High court
Delhi High court

The Delhi High Court has issued a directive to the Delhi Police, instructing them to extend assistance to the imam of Masjid Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah, ensuring the smooth conduct of the Shab-e-Barat festival.
Justice Mini Pushkarna specifically ordered the police to prevent any manhandling or obstruction of the imam, Mohammad Arshad Ahmad, during the religious ceremony.
Situated in Paharganj, the court’s ruling came in response to a contempt plea filed by the imam, alleging intentional disobedience of a previous order from a coordinate bench in 2020.
“Having heard learned counsel for the parties, this court directs that police assistance shall be provided by SHO, Police Station Nabi Karim to ensure that the religious ceremony of ‘Shab-E Barat’ scheduled from 6 pm on Feb 25 till 7 am on Feb 26 is carried out unhindered, without any interference from any quarters,” stated the court in its order dated Feb 21.
The imam’s legal representative claimed that Ahmad had recently sought police assistance from the concerned SHO, but was ill-treated. Additionally, he asserted that the police did not acknowledge Ahmad’s representation made on Feb 13. The advocate argued that the hostile behavior and refusal to acknowledge Ahmad’s request for police assistance, as per the 2020 judicial order, amounted to contempt and undermined the court’s authority.
In response, Delhi Police’s counsel disputed these submissions, stating that they always provided assistance whenever it was requested by the imam.
