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Genetics Vs Lifestyle: Managing Acne And Weight

Genetics indeed play a significant role in determining our susceptibility to acne and weight gain, but they aren’t the sole factors at play. According to Dr. Marwil Luis, a clinical aesthetician, and Dr. Shareefa Isa Chause, a consultant dermatologist, the interaction between our genes and lifestyle choices can greatly influence these conditions. Role of Genetics […]

Genetics indeed play a significant role in determining our susceptibility to acne and weight gain, but they aren’t the sole factors at play. According to Dr. Marwil Luis, a clinical aesthetician, and Dr. Shareefa Isa Chause, a consultant dermatologist, the interaction between our genes and lifestyle choices can greatly influence these conditions.

Role of Genetics in Acne and Weight

Acne: Genetics can determine how our skin behaves, including how much oil (sebum) our sebaceous glands produce, the tendency of our skin cells to shed, and how our immune system responds to bacteria. If your parents had acne, there’s a higher chance you’ll experience it too. Specific genetic markers can make you more prone to developing clogged pores, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances that trigger acne outbreaks.

Weight: Similarly, genetics can influence your metabolism, appetite, and the distribution of body fat. Some people might have a genetic predisposition to store fat more easily or to have a slower metabolic rate, making weight management more challenging. Genes can affect how we respond to different diets and physical activities, explaining why some people might lose or gain weight more easily than others.

Interplay Between Genes and Lifestyle

Dr. Marwil Luis and Dr. Shareefa Isa Chause emphasize that while you can’t change your genes, you can manage acne and weight through lifestyle changes. A holistic approach that considers both genetic predispositions and lifestyle choices is essential. Understanding your genetic risks can help tailor a personalized plan that includes proper skincare, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.

