
Gaurav Gogoi Urges Gadkari Addresses 'Deplorable' Teok-Sivasagar Highway Condition

Congress leader Gaurav Gogoi issued a heartfelt appeal to Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on Sunday, urging urgent intervention to accelerate the completion of the Teok-Sivasagar highway in Jorhat, which lies within his Lok Sabha constituency. The highway, crucial for regional connectivity, currently languishes in a state described by Gogoi as […]

Congress leader Gaurav Gogoi issued a heartfelt appeal to Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on Sunday, urging urgent intervention to accelerate the completion of the Teok-Sivasagar highway in Jorhat, which lies within his Lok Sabha constituency. The highway, crucial for regional connectivity, currently languishes in a state described by Gogoi as “deplorable,” marked by frequent accidents and persistent traffic jams. Despite ongoing efforts over several years, significant portions of the road remain unfinished, exacerbating the plight of local commuters and residents alike.

In a video message recorded at the construction site, Gogoi underscored the critical importance of the Teok-Sivasagar highway in facilitating smoother transportation and bolstering economic activities in the Jorhat region. He lamented the adverse impact of the road’s incomplete status, noting that multiple contractors have initiated work only to abandon it midway. Gogoi pointed out that despite repeated tenders and efforts, the situation has shown little improvement, leading to severe inconvenience for the populace and posing safety risks due to the compromised road conditions.

Gogoi, referencing Gadkari’s recent visit to Jorhat, appealed to the minister to personally intervene and expedite the completion of the highway. Expressing optimism in Gadkari’s proactive approach, Gogoi emphasized the minister’s pivotal role in ensuring that the necessary steps are taken swiftly to alleviate the enduring hardships faced by the people of Jorhat. He stressed the urgent need for comprehensive action to address the project’s delays and deliver a fully functional highway that meets the connectivity needs of the region effectively.

In conclusion, Gaurav Gogoi’s appeal to Nitin Gadkari reflects not only the pressing infrastructure challenges faced by Jorhat but also the broader implications for regional development and public safety. With the Teok-Sivasagar highway pivotal in enhancing connectivity and economic growth, Gogoi’s plea underscores the imperative for swift and decisive action to complete the project, ensuring that it serves its intended purpose of benefiting the local community and fostering sustainable development in the region.


Gaurav GogoiNitin Gadkari Sworn as Union MinisterRoad Maintenance requestTDG. The Daily GuardianTeok-Sivasagar highway