
Cong backs farmers’ strike, slams BJP’s 'unfair attitude'

The opposition has expressed its dissatisfaction with the course of action adopted by the BJP government during the farmer’s protest. The opposition has accused the BJP government of not letting the ‘Annadatas’ put forward their issues and concerns. The Congress party in Rajasthan has viewed the farmers’ agitation as a democratic right of the fraternity […]

The opposition has expressed its dissatisfaction with the course of action adopted by the BJP government during the farmer’s protest. The opposition has accused the BJP government of not letting the ‘Annadatas’ put forward their issues and concerns.
The Congress party in Rajasthan has viewed the farmers’ agitation as a democratic right of the fraternity that needs assistance from the government for its sustenance. The Congress leader observed that the farmers were only demanding the implementation of the promises that had been made to them two years ago, like the guarantee on minimum support price (MSP) and waiving off debts of farmers and farm labourers.
Demanding that Prime Minister Modi himself should directly talk to the farmers to get them justice, Congress state in-charge Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa questioned if the farmers had the right and freedom to come to the national capital in support of their demands. He asked where the farmers should go if not to the Prime Minister and the government of the time for seeking justice.
A situation like Pakistan-China border: Randhawa
Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa on Thursday said, “The situation of farmers in the country is in a terrible state today, as it is at the Pakistan-China border. The roads for the farmers who are the annadatas are sealed the way they are sealed at the border areas.”
He added that it is not just a movement of farmers of Punjab but of farmers across India. He raised concern over the situation saying that it is not nice. He also said that they stand with farmers in this struggle.
Farmers are treated worse than terrorists: Dotasra
PCC Chief Govind Singh Dotasra said, “The kind of barbarity being meted out to the agitating farmers, is even worse than the treatment meted out to any terrorists coming from Pakistan. Spikes are being laid in the paths of farmers. They are being attacked with drones. Tear gas shells are being fired. they were even called terrorists earlier also. Even now, inappropriate things are being said about the agitating farmers.”
He said that the Congress party stands strongly with the farmers
BJP had promised farmers MSP: Dotasra
The Congress State President, referring to the 2014 Lok Sabha election manifesto, said that the BJP had promised farmers a minimum support price of one-and-a-half times the cost of production, but even after ten years, the BJP has not kept its promise.
He added, “In February 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had again promised the farmers of the country to double the farmers’ income by the year 2022, but the farmers’ income was not doubled, instead the BJP government at the centre introduced three black agriculture bills in the country. Later, bowing to the farmers’ movement and apologizing to the farmers, these black laws were withdrawn and a committee was formed whose job was to determine how the farmers’ demands should be implemented. The introduction of the MSP Act was also an issue in this committee.”Supporting the bandh on Friday called by the Farmers’ Union, Dotasra said, “We will remain with the farmers’ movement while ensuring that there is no violence, no damage to any government property.”
Targeting the central government on the farmers’ movement, Dotasra said, “The BJP government at the Centre had made three ‘black laws’ for a few industrialists and not for the benefit of farmers.”
He further added, “The three black laws were imposed on the farmers for the benefit of a few industrialists and not for the benefit of farmers.”Accusing the government of adopting an “unfair attitude” towards the farmers, he said, that he questioned the central government that when the farmers are protesting peacefully and are trying to express their views, then why are they being suppressed with bullets and tear gas? He severely criticised the framers being attacked by drones.
He emphasised the significance of the right to expression in a democratic country. He advocated that In this democratic country, everyone has the right to protest and express their views.
Congress promises legal guarantee for MSP: Dotasra
Dotasra said that the Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Mallikarjun Kharge have said clearly that as soon as the party comes to power, an MSP for farmers will be implemented.
“Congress party does what it says and has already waived off farmers’ loans worth Rs 72,000 crore. It always talks about the interest of farmers and the BJP always talks about misleading them,” he said.
State Congress in-charge Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa said that the Congress will support the farmers’ strike with “heart and soul”.
