
Chandigarh: Female Engineer Officer Facing Harassment from Juniors!

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has brought in a bill in the country under which 33 percent reservation has been provided for women in Lok Sabha and state assemblies to give equal respect to women. However, in the Engineering Wing of Chandigarh UT Administration, junior officers have harassed the only female engineer officer of Chandigarh so […]

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has brought in a bill in the country under which 33 percent reservation has been provided for women in Lok Sabha and state assemblies to give equal respect to women. However, in the Engineering Wing of Chandigarh UT Administration, junior officers have harassed the only female engineer officer of Chandigarh so much at the behest of the Chief that the female officer has applied for VRS out of frustration. The woman is a resident of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state. The woman feels so isolated in Chandigarh that she has made up her mind to leave her job and go to her home state with her children. The woman is honest, due to which she is not getting along with others. This woman was also set up by some officers in the paper given for promotion in engineering. According to sources, the female officer does not even pick up her mobile phone when asked to submit a report in the Junior Department. She is also heard scolding the juniors in front of the Chief in the Chief’s meeting. It is said that even on her seat, they are waiting to accommodate some influential officer. It is said that junior officers who harass her have been placed on her seniors’ knees by giving additional charge. The officer is the lowest in the department. She has been stationed at the same seat for more than 3 years. The head of the department is giving away these officers in the name of repairing government houses in Sector, where a big scandal is going on in the name of maintenance on government houses of government employees and officers. Government employees and officers are roaming around maintenance booths and offices, but no hearing is held. People say that if the officers themselves are not listening to their seniors, what will they understand about the employees. Social organizations of Chandigarh have also demanded an investigation into this matter from the CBI and Vigilance. In this regard, many councilors of the corporation have also demanded an investigation earlier. But due to high reach, the hearing of the female officer of the Prime Minister’s state is not being held.
In this case, Chief Engineer of Chandigarh Administration should be talked to by CB Ojha, but he did not even pick up the phone.
