Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood, turned 58 this year. The 58th birthday of the beloved Bollywood actor was celebrated in grand style, enthralling legions of fans who had gathered outside his legendary mansion, ‘Mannat,’ at midnight on a Wednesday. He delighted his fans by revealing the first trailer for his upcoming film, ‘Dunki.’ ‘Dunki Drop 1’ is the name of the game. King Khan shared a teaser clip from the film directed by renowned filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani on his official Instagram account (@iamsrk).
In addition to his birthday, his daughter and budding actor, Suhana Khan, took to her Instagram stories to share some heartwarming throwback pictures with her beloved father.
In one of the pictures, Suhana can be seen giving her dad a sweet peck on the cheek, along with the caption, “Happy Birthday.” She also shared a collage of throwback pictures featuring herself, Shah Rukh Khan, and her brother, Aaryan Khan, expressing her deep affection for her father with the words “I “love you the most.”
In a heartfelt tweet, Shah Rukh Khan expressed his gratitude for the love and affection he receives from his fans, saying, “It’s unbelievable that so many of you come and wish me late at night. I am but a mere actor. Nothing makes me happier than the fact that I can entertain you a bit. I live in a dream of your love. Thank you for allowing me to entertain you all. C u in the morning…on the screen and off it.”
Shah Rukh Khan’s magnetic personality and immense fan following have made him a beloved figure in the entertainment industry, with an impressive filmography that includes iconic movies such as ‘Baazigar,’ ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge,’ ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai,’ and more.
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan is riding high on the success of his recent blockbusters, ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Jawan,’ and eagerly awaiting the release of his upcoming film, ‘Dunki,’ directed by Rajkumar Hirani.
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