Actor-director Prithviraj Sukumaran, who is gearing up for his next directorial ‘L2E: Empuraan’ on Wednesday shared glimpse of new set construction. Taking to Instagram, Prithviraj dropped a picture featuring ‘L2E: Empuraan’ team from the new set Pooja ceremony. Sharing the picture, he wrote, “#L2E – Empuraan. The next set build begins today! [?]Malayalam | Tamil | Telugu | Kannada | Hindi” Recently, Sukumaran shared the poster on Instagram and captioned, “3rd directorial. 2nd part of the franchise. 1st look. #L2E #Empuraan #Firstlook Malayalam | Tamil | Telugu | Kannada | Hindi.”
Helmed by Prithviraj, the film starring Mohanlal is the sequel to the 2019 blockbuster film ‘Lucifer’.
The first poster features Mohanlal facing his back at the camera, with a gun in his hand and facing a helicopter. Sequel to Prithviraj Sukumaran’s directorial debut, ‘Lucifer,’ starring cinema icon Mohanlal, ‘L2E: Empuraan’ was officially announced in August 2022.
The first part of the franchise received massive responses from the fans and saw Mohanlal as the charismatic and enigmatic Stephen Nedumpally, a role that resonated deeply with fans.
‘L2E: Empuraan’ will be released in Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi.
The official release date of the film is still awaited. The film will be produced under the banner of Lyca Productions. Besides helming this project, Prithviraj will also be seen in director Prashant Neel’s upcoming action thriller film ‘Salaar’ alongside Prabhas. The film is all set to hit the theatres on December 22. Apart from that, he also has ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ alongside Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff.
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