Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s lavish wedding, attended by many famous people from India and abroad, had an interesting moment. Dr. Vivek Gupta, a well-known heart surgeon from Delhi who often attends social events, handed his business card to actor Ranbir Kapoor during the festivities. Dr. Gupta works at Apollo Hospitals in Delhi and has over 25 years of experience as a senior cardiologist. Videos shared on his YouTube channel show him chatting with Ranbir Kapoor and giving him his card, which the actor kindly accepts. Ranbir’s wife, Alia Bhatt, was also seen nearby.
The video quickly became popular on social media, with users making funny comments. One user joked, “Hahaha, he’s a real sales legend… ABC (Always Be Closing),” appreciating Dr. Gupta’s networking skills. Another user teased, “He must be some kind of investment advisor. He made the most of the opportunity,” highlighting the amusing and unexpected moment at such a prestigious event.
Dr. Gupta’s active presence at social gatherings, including events at Rashtrapati Bhavan, is evident from his lively social media profiles, especially his Facebook page filled with selfies alongside various well-known personalities.
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