Actor Manjot Singh, who recently appeared in the film Wild Wild Punjab, is best known for his portrayal of comedic and light-hearted characters in his previous roles. In Wild Wild Punjab, Manjot Singh took on a new type of role as an alpha male, showcasing a different aspect of his acting range. This shift contrasts with his previous performances, where he was often cast in more humorous and endearing roles. He states “I feel that how people see you in the industry, all depends on your positioning. Aapko kuch karke dikhaana padega, tab hi logon ke dimaag mai perception badalta hai. And for that to happen, one needs to get those opportunities. The thinking while writing a script shouldn’t be like – Ek actor hai aur ek sardaar actor hai. I want to eliminate that difference, a sikh and a non-sikh, both can be cast. Especially sardaar ka character hoga, toh hi bulaayenge, this hurts me.”
He cites example of actor- singer Diljit Dosanjh by stating how he is versatile and does a great work. “I have become an example for myself by playing an alpha male in this film. Meri itne saalon se makers se fight thi ki kuch serious karva do. It is not necessary to show Sikhs in a light hearted or comic role, they can do serious roles as well. Diljit Dosanjh is a huge example for everyone. He has a good choice in picking scripts,” said the actor.
He further added “When I entered the industry, even my mom said, ‘Beta, apni Sikhi ka mazaak mat uddvaio fame ya paison ke liye, apni izzat apne haath mai hai’. Hence, I have done comedy films that had funny situations, but I never made faces or fun of myself and my religion to make people laugh. I hope people in the industry see my changing side with this authority role.”
He ended the conversation by saying “It feels like after 15 years I am able to hear what I always wanted to hear. I am glad that people are enjoying the film. I am so happy. Many people said that we never thought that you could play such a role.”
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