Bollywood actor Aadar Jain recently proposed to his girlfriend Alekha Advani in a picturesque Maldives setting, announcing their engagement on September 1. He shared photos from the beachside proposal on Instagram with the caption, “My first crush, my best friend & now, my forever.”
However, after Aadar posted the engagement photos, some social media users commented that he looked better with his ex-girlfriend, actress Tara Sutaria. Notably, Aadar ‘liked’ these comments, drawing attention from netizens.
Aadar and Tara, who had a public relationship, broke up in 2023. Aadar confirmed his relationship with Alekha later that year. It’s also noteworthy that Alekha and Tara were once close friends, and Alekha joined Aadar and Tara on a vacation to Paris in 2022.
Since their split, Tara has stayed out of the spotlight but is now reportedly returning to work. Recent rumors suggest she may be dating actor Arunoday Singh.
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