
Art Beat

Unique exhibition in London It is London this week and the series of exhibition in the wonderful city. ‘Tell Me Where Your Freedom Lies’ a group exhibition of paintings by London based artists opened at postROOM gallery in London recently. On display were works by artists Mick Finch, Nick Jones, Hilary Prosser, Diana Taylor, Jeffrey […]

Unique exhibition in London

It is London this week and the series of exhibition in the wonderful city. ‘Tell Me Where Your Freedom Lies’ a group exhibition of paintings by London based artists opened at postROOM gallery in London recently. On display were works by artists Mick Finch, Nick Jones, Hilary Prosser, Diana Taylor, Jeffrey Bligh by David Thorp and Tom Wolseley. From digital prints and video works, to ‘tubism’ paintings and artworks created through ads displayed newspapers in the 1950s, this unique exhibition should not be missed. The exhibition is on till June 17.

Pioneer of abstract art

The illustrious and legendary artist Basil Beattie Ra’s third solo show ‘Recalling Echoes’ opened at Hales Gallery in London. On display are paintings and drawings created by him over the past decade. The art showcased is synonymous to his work of a unique system of visual codes and painterly language that the audience has got used to. In a practice that spans over 60 years, Beattie was known as a pioneer of abstract art that emerged in post-war Britain. The exhibition brings forth one of Beattie’s most long-term fundamentals of his practice –the creation of stairs, steps, blocks and ladders. The paintings are on exhibition till July 1.

Interesting legacies

Delfina Foundation in London will be presenting the first solo exhibition by its former resident, LA-based Iranian artist, writer, and filmmaker Gelare Khoshgozaran. The Tehran born artist’s work attempts to bring forth some interesting legacies from the past, mianly historical violence. Using film and video, Khoshgozaran explores stories on displacement and home. The exhibition will showcased three films in the form of a cinematic installation that highlights the personal narrative of exile and its after effects. ‘To Be the Author of One’s Own Travels’ is curated by Eliel Jones and opens on June 23 and will be on till August 8.

Solo exhibition

Thomas Dane Gallery, in London will be showcasing the solo exhibition of Alexandre da Cunha. On display are new works on paper and new sculptures as well. The works are a result of da Cunha’s longstanding obsession with found objects. The interesting part of the show is that the sculptural works will be displayed on the walls at eye level. Titled ‘Broken’, the sculptures will also have some gouache works on paper alongside them. The show is on till July 15.

Exploration of expressions
Omeka Gallery in Lagos will be presenting a joint exhibition of artworks by artists Jimmy Nwanne and Olufemi Oyewole. In ‘Transcendence’ Nwanne’s paintings examine relationship between life, identity, and migration as well as the freedom to make a composition, a portraiture, by rearranging natural place of something into another, in order to communicate an idea. Oyewole’s paintings, focus on the exploration of human expressions and how fundamental changes in culture can affect our perception of identity.

