
Afghanistan’s health system is on the brink of collapse

Several residents in Kabul voiced concerns over the shortage of female doctors in the country due to rising problems for women regarding challenges in health facilities, the Global Women’s Health Index Institute (GWHI) said in a report.Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, women in the country have been deprived of fundamental rights. According to […]

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Iran: No women should be persecuted for choosing what to wear

Several residents in Kabul voiced concerns over the shortage of female doctors in the country due to rising problems for women regarding challenges in health facilities, the Global Women’s Health Index Institute (GWHI) said in a report.
Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, women in the country have been deprived of fundamental rights. According to the report, women cannot visit health clinics or have a doctor examine them without a male companion, and several provinces lack essential healthcare services. “Many patients come from Paktia and Helmand.”They say there is no female doctor,” said a doctor at the Najmulsama Shafajo Hospital.
The residents of Kabul have raised concerns about the shortage of female staff at hospitals, which has posed severe threats to the health of Afghan women.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) said that it has created dozens of facilities for women across the country. The Taliban has imposed draconian restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, association, assembly, and movement for women and girls.
Afghan women are staring at a bleak future due to a number of restrictions imposed by the Taliban governing aspects of their lives within 10 months of Afghanistan’s takeover.
