In a distressing incident on Friday morning, a woman was groped while taking a walk in the Konanakunte area of Bengaluru. The assault occurred at 5 am and was recorded on a CCTV camera.
🤢 A shocking incident in #Bengaluru’s Konanakunte area: A Rajasthani woman, ready for her 5 am walk and waiting for a friend, was groped by a man who crept up on her.
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— Akassh Ashok Gupta (@peepoye_) August 5, 2024
The footage reveals the woman, reportedly from Rajasthan, walking alone when an unidentified man in a white shirt approaches her from behind and gropes her. Despite her efforts to escape, the attacker catches up to her, covers her mouth, and tries to grab her again. Fortunately, the man fled the scene after being unable to stifle her screams.
The CCTV video of the incident was shared on the social media platform X by a handle named ‘@peepoye_’. The post highlighted that the woman was waiting for a friend to join her for the early morning walk when she was attacked.
Bengaluru South Police have registered a case and are currently reviewing the CCTV footage to identify and apprehend the suspect. The police are urging anyone with information to come forward and assist in the investigation.