Karolina Goswami, a Polish YouTuber residing in India, has accused fans of fellow YouTuber Dhruv Rathee of attacking and threatening her. In response to the situation, she released a video showing herself walking alongside two security guards, stating, “We fear nothing. We will continue living in India.” This video has garnered over 4.5 million views on Instagram and features her walking with her two children while men in black accompany them.
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Background of the Allegations
Goswami has claimed that she received more than 220 threats from Rathee’s supporters in May after she analyzed some of his YouTube content, which she described as “anti-India propaganda.” On her YouTube channel, “Indian In Details,” she criticized Rathee, who is based in Germany, for spreading misinformation and called for his ban from social media. Following the release of her videos, she alleges that Rathee’s fans targeted her and her family, sharing screenshots of threatening messages, including rape threats.
Who is Karolina Goswami?
Karolina Goswami is a Polish national and an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholder. She is married to Anurag, an Indian citizen, and they live in India with their two sons. Together, they operate a YouTube channel named “India in Details,” which has over 1.1 million subscribers, where they share their experiences of raising a family in India. They also have an Instagram account under the same name.
Past Incidents and Security Concerns
The couple has previously produced several videos criticizing Dhruv Rathee, accusing him of deceit and labeling him a “fake intellectual.” Goswami reported that last year, she and her husband faced an attack from Rathee’s supporters in Germany, where their car was vandalized, and their devices were stolen. In May, due to the rape threats she received, Goswami appealed to the Indian government for protection.