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  • Watch: YouTuber Sends GoPro To ‘Near Space’ With Balloon, Captures Stunning Earth Views

Watch: YouTuber Sends GoPro To ‘Near Space’ With Balloon, Captures Stunning Earth Views

Imagine launching a balloon with a GoPro so high that it captures breathtaking images of Earth’s curvature from the edge of space. This is exactly what YouTuber BloonStu accomplished by sending a GoPro into “near space” using a high-altitude balloon. As it rose close to the boundaries of space, it recorded stunning visuals of our […]

Watch: YouTuber Sends GoPro To ‘Near Space’ With Balloon, Captures Stunning Earth Views

Imagine launching a balloon with a GoPro so high that it captures breathtaking images of Earth’s curvature from the edge of space. This is exactly what YouTuber BloonStu accomplished by sending a GoPro into “near space” using a high-altitude balloon. As it rose close to the boundaries of space, it recorded stunning visuals of our planet. Known for its durability and sharp imagery, the GoPro excelled in this unique experiment, reaching new heights as it was lifted far above the clouds, reducing them to tiny specks below.

As the camera ascended, it revealed a spectacular view of Earth from an extraordinary perspective, showcasing the planet’s beauty set against the vastness of space.

Eventually, the balloon burst at a high altitude. To recover the footage, BloonStu “used a spot GPS tracker in the payload to track where the payload fell after the balloon burst” and “retrieved it with the GoPro and its recorded footage inside.”

You can watch the video here:

The YouTuber ensured that all procedures were followed, adhering to Federal Aviation Administration regulations and informing the Flight Standards District Office ahead of the launch. The video caption stated, “All designed and launched by myself. All FAA regulations were followed, the FSDO was notified and given all the details, and a NOTAM [Notice to Air Missions] was even filed with Ft Worth center for balloon activity.”

As for the motivation behind the project, BloonStu explained, “Mostly, I had free time and needed a project/hobby to keep me engaged; secondly, space is neat.”
