In Karnataka, intense rainfall has led to severe flooding, particularly in areas like Gundibail near Thilak Road in Udupi district. A poignant rescue scene was captured on video on July 8, where a rescue worker courageously navigated floodwaters while carrying a dog, highlighting a moment of bravery and compassion.
The footage, originally shared by on Instagram, has garnered widespread attention.
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Commenting on the video, one user remarked, “Rabies doesn’t know that you’re a kind man. But ykw, I’d have done the same as you are! We dont think much.” Another user simply said, “god bless him.”
The response from other Instagram users was equally supportive, with many expressing admiration through heart emojis, clapping hands, and cheering symbols.
In coastal districts like Udupi and Dakshina Kannada, heavy rains have caused extensive flooding, submerging fields, homes, and roads. This situation poses significant challenges and risks for local residents.
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