In Andhra Pradesh, a man ended up in the hospital after an extremely reckless stunt involving a cobra. The shocking footage, recently shared on X (formerly Twitter), features Nagaraju from Kadiri in the Sathyasai district. The video shows him, allegedly under the influence, mishandling a cobra that had strayed onto a college campus.
Drunken Antics with Cobra in Kadiri Ends in Hospitalization
Related NewsIn a bizarre and dangerous incident, a young man named Nagaraju from Kadiri in Sathyasai district found himself in the hospital after deciding to play with a cobra while intoxicated.
The drama unfolded near a degree…
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) July 24, 2024
In the clip, Nagaraju is seen trying to capture and handle the snake despite the clear danger. His actions include repeatedly striking the cobra’s head and stepping on it, all while ignoring the desperate pleas from bystanders for him to stop. As Nagaraju’s aggression continued, the cobra bit him in defense. Emergency services were quickly summoned, and Nagaraju was rushed to the hospital for urgent medical care.
Why is that no one taking right action ? There are few people around him. Thanks to the people who called ambulance
— Prasanna K (@prasanna_k22) July 24, 2024
Nagaraju still doesn’t mean naga won’t bite…
Amazing patience shown by the cobra..
The guy is a wasted existence on earth..— Thayir saadham ka parivar (@theguardianp53) July 25, 2024
The video has sparked widespread outrage online, with many criticizing Nagaraju’s behavior and the onlookers’ failure to intervene. Commenters expressed frustration over the lack of action, questioning why no one stepped in to protect the snake or stop Nagaraju’s dangerous behavior. Some suggested that Nagaraju should face legal consequences for animal cruelty, while others lamented the overall lack of empathy and responsibility displayed.
He should be booked under cruelty to animals. The poor snake.
— Raji Prasanna🇮🇳 (@rashmiprasan) July 25, 2024
The video, which has garnered over 70,000 views, has prompted a heated debate about the need for stronger measures to prevent such irresponsible actions and protect wildlife. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of reckless behavior and the importance of respecting both people and animals alike.