The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams rank among the most challenging in India. While countless candidates dedicate themselves each year to passing these exams, an 18-year-old boy from Bihar managed to leapfrog the process by posing as an “Indian Police Service (IPS) officer” without ever sitting for the civil services exams. Mithilesh Kumar gained notoriety after purchasing an IPS uniform and a pistol, successfully passing himself off as a real officer.
Kumar’s act didn’t last long. He flaunted his fake uniform and firearm, which eventually led to his arrest. According to, the incident unfolded in Jamui district, where a man named Manoj Singh allegedly scammed Kumar, charging him Rs 2 lakh with the false promise of making him an IPS officer. Singh even sent Kumar to a nearby police station while he was in full uniform.
A viral video showed local police escorting the faux officer to Sikandara police station. In the footage, an officer sarcastically remarked, “Come, sir, IPS. Come to Sikandara Police Station,” as Kumar handed over his pistol to the police.
This video was shared on X by the National Crime Investigation Bureau (NCIB), an NGO, along with the caption: “In Jamui, Bihar, an 18-year-old boy became an IPS officer without passing the UPSC. When the police asked him, he said, ‘I am an IPS officer.’ Watch the video to see what happened next.”
The video amassed over a million views and sparked various reactions. One user questioned, “Well, point to be questioned is ‘How did an 18-year-old procure ₹12 lakhs?’” Another commented, “Indian Police’s only job is to record innocent in crime and upload it on the internet, rather than catching actual criminals. Shame on you.” A third user urged, “Police should focus on identifying and apprehending the main accused who is deceiving innocent individuals.”
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