Sonam Kapoor’s Mumbai home is stunning, but a recent Architectural Digest India video revealed one seemingly affordable item: a ‘steel balti’ used as a vase. In the video, Sonam and her husband Anand Ahuja, along with their son Vayu, gave a tour of their lavish home. A fan shared a clip of Sonam discussing the decor in her bar area, where the ‘steel balti’ was prominently displayed among glass vases on a marble and wooden table. The fan’s caption humorously noted, “Steel balti… the only thing I can afford from her lavish Mumbai home.”
In the clip, Sonam explained, “This is actually an old Indian balti or bucket… these balties were basically used to have a bath. So, I use it as a vase in the house and I kind of love it.”
Reactions to the ‘steel balti’ varied. One Instagram user pointed out that it appeared to be silver rather than steel, commenting, “It’s a silver balti, if you watch the video clearly.” The fan humorously responded, “Stop calling me poor in 100 languages…” Another confirmed it was a gift and that Sonam uses it as a vase, while others debated its material, with some insisting it was steel.
A user joked, “Basically it’s a sambhar bucket in Indian weddings,” while another added, “Not only sambhar, every Indian dish during functions.” Some viewers doubted they could replicate the decor in their own homes, noting, “These things only look good in their (celebs’) houses… if we did it, people would take it differently.”
Sonam, who recently appeared in *Blind* (2023), discussed her home’s style in her AD interview, describing it as a masterclass in maximalism. She stated, “I know some of my contemporaries will find my taste too grown-up, but my approach was twofold: firstly, I would like to be an ambassador for Indian decorative arts, and secondly, I wanted to emulate, with a fresh slant, the houses I grew up in.”
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