On Friday, Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, alleged that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is planning a raid against him in response to his recent “Chakravyuh” speech delivered during the Union Budget 2024 discussion. Gandhi, however, expressed his readiness to face the central probe agency with a welcoming attitude, complete with “chai and biscuits.”
In a post on X, Rahul Gandhi wrote, “Apparently, 2 in 1 didn’t like my Chakravyuh speech. ED ‘insiders’ tell me a raid is being planned.” He added, “Waiting with open arms… Chai and biscuits on me.”
The statement comes after Gandhi’s speech on July 29, in which he criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a discussion on Budget 2024. Gandhi accused Modi of creating a modern-day “Chakravyuh” that traps ordinary Indians, likening it to the ancient military formation described in the Mahabharata.
Rahul Gandhi described the “Chakravyuh” as a metaphor for the current political and economic situation in India, suggesting that it represents a new form of entrapment led by the Prime Minister. He elaborated, “Thousands of years ago, in Kurukshetra, six people trapped Abhimanyu in a ‘Chakravyuh’ and killed him. I discovered that ‘Chakravyuh’ is also known as ‘Padmavuyh,’ meaning ‘Lotus formation.’ This new ‘Chakravyuh’ in the 21st century takes the shape of a Lotus. The Prime Minister proudly displays this symbol. What was done to Abhimanyu is now being done to India’s youth, farmers, women, and small businesses. Just as Abhimanyu was surrounded by six enemies, India today is controlled by six people: Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Mohan Bhagwat, Ajit Doval, and Ambani, along with Adani.”
Gandhi’s comments have intensified the political discourse and drawn attention to his criticism of the current government’s policies.