Indian javelin star and Paris Olympics silver medalist Neeraj Chopra, shared a light-hearted response after hearing that Pakistan’s Olympic gold medalist Arshad Nadeem was gifted a buffalo by his father-in-law. Neeraj recounted his own experience with unusual gifts, saying, “I was once gifted desi ghee. Back home in Haryana, it’s common to receive such gifts—sometimes 10 or even 50 kg of desi ghee, or ladoos,” during a media interaction organized by JSW Sports.
Chopra elaborated that these gifts often come with certain expectations: “‘If Neeraj wins this competition, I’ll give him 50 kg of ghee.’ I’ve heard such things since childhood, especially in regions where sports like circle kabaddi and wrestling are popular. Ghee is believed to boost strength, which is crucial for our sports. In our region, athletes also receive gifts like Bullet motorbikes, tractors, or even buffalos.”
Reflecting on his recent Olympic performance, Chopra admitted that while he was mentally prepared, his physical condition, particularly his legwork, wasn’t optimal. “My legwork on the runway wasn’t good, and no matter how hard you push, it doesn’t work if your technique isn’t right. But I’ve managed my injury well, and it hasn’t worsened,” he noted.
Chopra’s comments followed the news that Arshad Nadeem, who set a record with his 92.97-meter javelin throw at the Paris Olympics, was gifted a buffalo by his father-in-law, Muhammad Nawaz, in recognition of his achievement.
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