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Man ‘Dies’ for 3 Minutes, Shares Chilling Experience of a Distinct Version of Hell

Reddit user shares a friend's near-death tale of darkness and isolation, sparking debates on afterlife experiences.

Man ‘Dies’ for 3 Minutes, Shares Chilling Experience of a Distinct Version of Hell

Many people strive to live virtuous lives, often engaging deeply in religious practices with the hope of attaining paradise in the afterlife. On the other hand, it is said that some will face the repercussions of their actions in hell.

There have been several accounts from individuals who claim to have died and returned to life, sharing vivid descriptions of their experiences beyond death.

In a recent Reddit post, one user shared a startling story about a friend who purportedly “died for three minutes and came back to life.” This friend allegedly experienced a profound and life-altering revelation during those moments. After the incident, they underwent a complete transformation, dedicating themselves to living a more virtuous life.

The Reddit user explained that their friend’s near-death experience occurred after a drug overdose. While being transported to the hospital, the man’s heart stopped, and medical professionals declared him dead. However, to everyone’s astonishment, he revived after three minutes, defying expectations.

Details of the Reddit Post

People who legally died for a few minutes and came back, what was it like?
byu/Doomage007 inAskReddit

The user wrote, “He remembers the stroke incident and being carried on a stretcher to the ambulance. After this, his heartbeat stopped. The doctors told him he had died. But he woke up after three minutes. The doctors were shocked since his heart had been still for such a long time.”

The man described those three minutes as being submerged in icy water, surrounded by complete darkness. He felt no emotions, only an overwhelming awareness of his presence in this cold, sightless void. During his recovery, he couldn’t shake the belief that he had glimpsed hell.

“In the following days, he became certain that what he experienced was indeed hell. He interpreted it as a warning to change his life,” the Reddit user added.

Community Reactions

The post sparked a wide range of responses. One commenter shared, “Wow! This reminded me of a dream my mother once had. She told me about it during my childhood. She said that when she woke up, she saw flames rising in the room and heard people screaming. Then she blinked, and it disappeared. She believed it was a sign she was destined for hell. From that point on, she started doing more good deeds and is genuinely a good person.”

Another user offered their perspective, stating, “This is exactly what hell feels like. You’re alone in the dark, consumed by the sensation of eternal isolation. No fire, no demons torturing you—just endless darkness and a deep sense of loneliness.”