Muskan Rastogi and Sahil Shukla, who are charged with the brutal killing of merchant navy staffer Saurabh Rajput, are battling serious drug addiction while in judicial custody. Both 27-year-olds are suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms and have turned down food in a last-ditch attempt to get narcotics.
As per officials, the couple showed extreme dependence on drugs right from the time they were jailed. While Muskan’s health declined sharply on the first night in Meerut District Jail, doctors started emergency treatment. Sahil, meanwhile, turned violent, making a fuss and insisting on drugs. Official sources disclosed, “He was extremely restless without marijuana and Muskan insisted on morphine shots.”
Both were confirmed to be regular users of injectable drugs, and hence their withdrawal was extremely severe. The de-addiction centre of the jail has been entrusted with their treatment, and medical staff are keeping a close watch on their health.
‘Severe Dependency on Drugs’
A prison official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said their dependency on drugs was “severe,” stating further that extreme precautions have been taken to ensure no harm is caused to themselves or others. Officials went on to say both accused have refused to eat an anticipated withdrawal symptom and could take ten days to stabilize.
Details of the Chilling Crime
Muskan and her boyfriend, Sahil, brutally killed Saurabh on March 4 by stabbing him, chopping his body into pieces, and stuffing it in a cement-filled drum. To destroy their evidence, they ran to Himachal Pradesh but returned to Meerut on March 17.
Incredibly, in their flight, the pair reportedly went on a party celebrating Holi, cutting a cake, and taking photographs in the snow.
Following their arrest, both were housed in individual barracks at Meerut District Jail. But their struggle with addiction has become a cause of concern for prison officials, who keep dealing with their withdrawal symptoms.