A birthday celebration at Hyderabad’s VV Pride Hotel took a tragic turn on the night of October 21 when a 22-year-old youth, Uday Kumar, fell from the 3rd floor of the hotel and lost his life. Uday, a resident of Jyoti Nagar, was attending the party with friends when the accident occurred.
Hyderabad: Young Man Falls to Death After Being Chased by Dog at Hotel
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A tragic incident unfolded at VV Pride Hotel in Chandanagar, where a 24-year-old man, Uday Kumar, died after falling from the third floor of… pic.twitter.com/cIFKMYP8Dl
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) October 22, 2024
The incident, captured on CCTV of 3rd floor, shows Uday stepping into the lobby area where he encountered a dog. It remains unclear how the dog reached the third floor, where it was freely roaming. The video footage reveals Uday initially trying to shoo the dog away but later playfully chasing it near an open window.
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CCTV Footage Captures Tragic Moment
Seconds into the footage, Uday can be seen accidentally falling from the open window while attempting to either shoo the dog or run alongside it. His fall led to grievous injuries, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital, he succumbed to his injuries.
The police have registered a case of suspicious death under Section 194 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS) and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the tragic event.