A tragic incident unfolded in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Friday when a 48-year-old Indian tourist vanished after falling into a deep sinkhole that opened beneath her as she was walking. The sinkhole, located in the Dang Wangi area, is approximately 8 meters (26 feet) deep.
The pavement suddenly gave way under the woman, causing her to fall into the sinkhole. Witnesses reported the sudden collapse, and emergency services were quick to respond. Rescuers established a perimeter around the area and deployed an excavator to remove debris, but they have yet to locate the missing woman.
Kuala Lumpur police chief Rusdi Mohamad Isa noted that the search is complicated by strong underground water currents, which may have carried the woman away. He emphasized that any actions taken must be carefully planned to avoid disrupting public infrastructure, which could lead to flooding in the area.
Rusdi mentioned that a soil slip had occurred at the same location last year, but it had been repaired. Businesses in the vicinity have been advised to close temporarily as a precaution.
The woman had been on vacation in Malaysia with her husband and friends for the past two months. They were scheduled to return home on Saturday. The circumstances of the incident are still under investigation, and authorities are working to determine the exact cause of the pavement collapse.
This incident highlights the dangers associated with infrastructure failures and the challenges faced by rescue operations in such scenarios.
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