Janhvi Kapoor’s latest song, “Daavudi,” from the film ‘Devara’, is trending and has received a special mention from her boyfriend, Shikhar Pahariya. Pahariya took to social media to express his admiration for the track, posting on Instagram, “Wow wow wow, apsara ho tum ya koi pari.”
The song features energetic dance performances by Janhvi Kapoor and Jr NTR. Janhvi herself shared the song, writing, “Here’s the Daavudi video song to keep you on track for the Blast on the big screens.” The film also stars Saif Ali Khan and marks Jr NTR’s reunion with director Koratala Siva after ‘Janatha Garage’.
In June, the film’s release date was updated to September 27, 2024. Karan Johar, who is distributing the Hindi version, teased the upcoming release with, “Prepare for an early arrival for an epic showdown with the unforgiving storm! Man of Masses Jr NTR’s #Devara – in cinemas 27th September, 2024.”
On ‘Koffee With Karan 8’, Janhvi discussed her relationship with Shikhar Pahariya. Karan Johar asked if it was true that she had dated Shikhar, then someone else, and was now with him again. Janhvi replied, “Have you heard that song, Nadaan Parindey Ghar Aaja? Shikhar used to sing that to me a lot.”
She further described Shikhar as a longstanding friend to her and her family, saying, “I will say this, he is, not just for me, but for her (Khushi), for dad and everyone in our family, he has been there from the start as a friend. Not in a way that made me feel like he is expecting anything or he is a pushover or any of those things. He was just there in a very selfless dignified way and in a way that I have not seen many men capable of being there for another human being.”
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